Coppell ISD has an asphalt running track located at almost every school location throughout the district and CI Pavement has been partnering with them to maintain the asphalt through regular seal coating, crack sealing, resurfacing, milling (when necessary) and striping. However, the running surface at Austin Elementary was undersized for the resident student population.
As such, the project was commenced to extend the entire track around the student play fields to further encourage exercise and promote competition. Since the asphalt was to be applied on what was virgin grass and soil, the area required preparation before the new material could be applied. 4” of existing soil was excavated and replaced with 4” of compacted and hydrated recycled concrete flex base to provide a suitable foundation on which to build. After all, asphalt is only as good as what is below it!
Once the solid foundation was established, 1.5” of type D hot mix asphalt was applied and compacted using a 12’ paving box and 5 ton roller. Since the area was located behind the school, access was a concern and part of the fencing had to be removed and reinstalled after completion. There was also extremely limited access for heavy machinery and the hot mix had to be transported from the dump trucks to the application site.
After the dust had settled, so to speak, the asphalt was ready for use and the stripers followed the paving crew the very next day. 5 delineating lanes demarcated by 2” wide white latex traffic marking paint were applied with an airless sprayer, complete with 24” inch numbers indicating the existing lane markings. All paving and striping tied in with the existing track to make a seamless integration and establish a rough figure 8 pattern.
The kids have never had so much room to run!
Contact us today for all of your asphalt overlay and paving needs.