There are several types of asphalt cracks that need to be addressed quickly to prevent further lot damage. Here are the types of cracks that are need asphalt service attention.



Reflective cracks occur when an existing crack or joint in the underlying pavement structure reflects upward through the surface. Reflective cracks are primarily a concern in overlay projects, but low-severity cracks can also arise in newly applied asphalt.


Edge cracks generally appear only parallel to and within several inches of the edge of the asphalt. Causes include base failure, missing shoulder support, poor drainage, or the freeze/thaw process.


During the initial asphalt application, pavement “joints” are created as the edges of two paver passes adjoin one another. These constructed joints may have a lower density of asphalt than that of the surrounding pavement and will usually be 8, 10 or 12’ apart, depending on the direction and size of the paver used during construction.


Stopping, turning or climbing traffic, usually causes c-shaped slippage cracks. A bond failure between the upper and lower pavement layers results because of these stresses.


Over time, the oils in the asphalt binder escape making the pavement more rigid and thus less resistant to tension resulting in failure from below. Structural inadequacy, aging, and oxidation all can play rolls in this type of failure.

It is generally recommended that alligator areas be removed and replaced rather than filled or sealed.


In some cases, mechanical crack widening or routing is necessary to ensure a proper reservoir of material can be applied and a sufficient surface is presented for sealant adherence. The size of the crack, location, cause and budget are factors when making this determination.